Cardcaptor Sakura
Episode 5 -
Sakura, Panda, and a Cute Shop

silly_moogle picture count check:  33

1. Sakura skates to 
2. Sakura relizes the 
shopowner is clumbsy
3. Sakura listens to
Tomoyo sing
4. the store is open
5. Sakura's friends help fix up the cute shop
6. Tape can be hard to
7. Ms. Maki thanks the
girls for their help
8. the panda makes a
grand enterance
9. Why is Ms. Maki
afraid of the panda?
10. Chiharu seems to
like the Panda doll
11. She's going to bring it home with her.
12. Chiharu's place for the panda doll
13. talk of rumors in the toy industry
14. Sakura is very athletic
15. Is there a Clow Card that collects dolls?
18. Kero is flirting with some plush toys
19. What are you doing?
20. Jumps not there anymore
21. Sakura's hands on Jump
22. Tomoyo stays with
Ms. Maki who faints
23. Plush toys don't hurt when they hit you. Surprise !
24. Gotcha!
25. Don't look down Sakura
27. The roar of the Jump Card!
28. Is this the end of 
29. But Jump falls while trying to stomp her
30. The Jump Card made a big mess.
31. But now he's been added to Sakura's collection.
32. Ms. Maki's shop has happy customers
33. Sakura, job well done
Cards used: Fly, Wood