Battle Costumes and Panoramic Pictures

These images are multiple images placed together to create one single image. Images that have a gradiant background and a logo took more than 30 minutes finish. All images posted here are works in progress. This page was also posted in a hurry, so this is what my stuff looks like when I'm rushing.

RedMage Sakura
TechGirl Sakura
Catgirl Sakura
Cheerleading practice outfit
Cheerleading performance outfit.
I found this one on my older computer.
Water sprite costume.
Li in cerimonial robe.

Sorry, that's all I have up right now.

Unlike other sections, these pictures should not be posted on your site without my permission before hand. These images took a lot of time (and need more time to perfect). Also, the height of these images may be greater than 1200 pixels tall. These are about 4 images put together. The background didn't work with these images, so I erased most of them and put in a gradiant in the background.

Note: People drawing and posting fan art drawn from these images will be automaticlly allowed to post these images with their artwork, for comparison sake. I would still like an E-mail notifying me that you are going to use it, but I can easily resize the images to your specs (provided that its smaller than the original dimensions).