Jan. 24, 2002

I have uploaded the DVD cover to the 7th CCS DVD and it's postcard. The postcards are now in there own little section, named postcards.

My Episodes Gallery is getting a little too large as it is right now, so I'm planning to change it in the near future into several pages. The main page should show the different DVDs, with the episodes showing on each disk. Then there will be the images from each episode and an episode summary and differences between the North American Dubbed version and the originals.

I'll also be posting up the various names of the characters from the Japanese, North American dub version (already done) and the French version (thanks to Saffy).

Jan. 16, 2002

I've made captures of episodes 21 - 23. Shouldn't be too long before I post them on this site.

Episode 21 is already up tonight.

Jan. 14, 2002

Updated the right hand column. Now all of my sites are posted here, including my second web site, Green Legend Ran, which is probably the worst site I've made. It needs a major renovation, but the content is still good. I do like this Anime Movie. I have the makings of the renovation already in place, I just have to do some trimming before I can actually revise the entire site. All of these sites are Hentai free.

December 27-28
I've done something new. A Vector tracing of the Little Card.

Don't have a section for her yet. Also I can resize this image to any size and keep it nice and crisp.

December 26, 2001

Well, my laptop has finally been serviced so I can get back to making more DVD scans for my sites (this one, The Big O/Serial Experiment Lain, and the silly_moogle Network). Unfortunately, it probably won't be anytime this week, due to vacationing parents. (Man, this makes me sound younger than 25.)
People who have been on this site may notice a new affiliate button here too. I didn't make an update entry for that because, well, it was the only modification.
I haven't been on this laptop very much lately because I just got my old (slower but still good) 300Mhz P2 computer reassembled and have been going through some of my older programs. As all of the files and programs are on a different computer, updaing my site has been a little difficult.

Later that night:
Appearantly my problem with my laptop has not been fixed after all. I still get the dim screen, just not nearly as bad. On the good side, the brightness of the new screen is what the brightest setting was on the old one. So I can live with it for a while.

December 19, 2001

I have made one update here. Sakura with a clow card in the opening has been resized. Oh, and Anime Web Turnpike is back. Last month, I removed the link there because I was getting the American Red Cross or something like that. I'm not against them, its just not Anime.

Well, the 20th is "E" day for me. "E" as in wisdom tooth extraction! They will be putting me under, and I have no idea how long I'll be out of it. I've been told that I should be planning on simple activities that day (I hope like DVD capturing but I may be sleeping for the next few days). Might be listening to the 4 CD soundtrack to Final Fantasy VIII instead... Oh well. Hopefully things will go right and I'll be up and at 'em again soon. If not, Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year.

December 1, 2001

I have uploaded images from episodes 18-20 up on my site. I don't have a corresponding image preview page yet, but I have linked the directories if you can't wait any longer.

(5 minutes later) Okay, now I know Tripod doesn't allow a listing of a directory. So I'll have to add something up soon. (see I do proof my pages!)

December 3, 2001

I've added 2 panoramic images (1 - Ep 18, 1 - Ep. 20). And now my most recent links are all current. Be sure to see Sakura dancing on a flower in Episode 24.

And here's a cute little network


November 23, 2001

I'm trying something new with my Episodes Gallery. I'm using a fading Javascript I originally found here. Since the commands aren't compatible with the version of Netscape I have installed on my computers (4.5) I'm making it Episodes Gallery + Page. Now all of the postcards are up for you to see.

November 18,2001

I've added 2 extra Battle Costumes to the "Battle Costumes & Panoramic Pics" section. These images are really in the process of having the backgrounds changed from what was on the DVDs.

I'm also working on a Vector graphic tracing (using Illustrator 8.0) of the Little Card (cause she's so cute) to be added here sometime. What's vector graphics? It's drawing with mathimatical functions and stuff. Of course using Illustrator makes all of this invisible to the user. The end results though, can be resized bigger or smaller. I use Illustrator 8.0 instead of 9.0 because it can use the eyedropper tool on my BMP,TIFF, GIF, or JPG file in the background. Version 9 lost this capability for some reason. Besides, I personal own version 8.

Well, it looks like I'm going to be ready with Episode 24's picture gallery before I start on some of the others. Why? There's a lot of cute pictures. Sakura dancing on top of a flower, the Little card and Kero (to say what exactly would spoil the surprise of the show). It's like Alice in Wonderland, CLAMP style (and without drugs). It also shows that everything loves Sakura too, like cats, and even a preying mantis. Now if only I could get mom interested in this...

November 16, 2001

Well, I've got some good and bad news...

The good news is that I got a hold of Cardcaptor Sakura DVD #6. All of the episodes in this DVD were not included in the North American adaptation of Cardcaptors, so there are going to be a lot of new images for some of you. 2 new battle costumes and a college trip are in store for Sakura.

The bad news: my laptop (which this site is being designed on) has a bad component and is affecting my screen. It's an electrical type problem and seems to be triggered by not using battery power. All of my files are on this computer (because it has the largest hard drive, 2 times the size).

October 22, 2001

It may not look like it, but this site actually has had several undocumented updates. First is the update is that the gallery for Episode 17 is up, full with previews and another animated picture. Also I have a new banner image that I made this time. It is significantly smaller than the previous one was, making it easier for my site to affiliate with others.

The rest of this is just news, unrelated to Cardcaptor Sakura.

October 12, 2001

Images for Episode 17 are now up. No html pages linked yet to the main page though. What appears right now is an index default from Tripod (not a complaint).

October 10, 2001

Okay, I've got the images for episode 17 captured and converted into JPG files. My only problem is finding the space to put them up. So it looks like I'll have to finally branch my site out a little.

October 9, 2001

Oh boy, added a new image in the "Battle Costumes and Panoramic Pics" section and a new link in the links section, Michael's Cardcaptors. I'm going to go over the Links section and clean it up a bit so it's easier to get to the sites.

Oh, I've also had a request to get working on the 4th episode's battle costume too. Oh, I've almost forgot about my Big O site. It's finally up.

Listening to White Love by Speed.

Sept. 17, 2001

Episodes Gallery has had DVD 5 added with the titles for each of the 4 episodes included on the DVD. Have Mei Lin's image from episode 19 as a space holder for the image previews for all four episodes too. (Yes, I know she started her appearance from Episode 19, not 17). Also included the same Mei Lin image under Characters (which is what I intended it for).

I have not seriously started capturing images from this new DVD. Also, I really want to complete some of my other sites, to give them a uniform feel and look. Oh, but I am also working on a new image for the Battle Costumes and Panoramic Pics. of Sakura in a pink Yukata (summer kimono). Look for it soon...

Updates page (from old 50megs.com site)

Sept 9

It's finals week for me now. (Huh? Most people are starting school right now? So Mt. Sierra College has a different schedual from other schools.) More of the site is up. Here's what is up

Again, sorry for not fully restoring the site. Just in case this site get's closed again, I'm going to set up a another jump start page with links to all mirrors of this site I'll be making.

-- silly_moogle

September 07, 2001

Well, I got to be the first person to hit the site after it came back on line and two days later, I was 325. Given this volume of people, I think it's safe to assume that I need this site to span over several servers to share the burden of my site. I still plan on having this as this site's home page, but plan on keeping this as my major page.

The links section to other sites is up as are the old update news sections. This is the 10th week of Summer quarter for me, so finals are next week and I need to finish up projects and programs (in Visual Basic). This doesn't mean I won't get to adding new content. I've added one panoramic picture from episode 6 to my collection.

DVD 5 of Cardcaptor Sakura should be coming out sometime this month. DVD 4 won't be released until sometime next year. But there are many episodes to see and watch (and pictures to add to my archive for you to get).

Just as a recap the only parts of my site that are up are:

August 11 - September 1, 2001

Disaster struck this site. It exceeded it's monthly bandwidth and was shut down by my host. EEK! I was pretty mad too and deleted ALL of the files from this site in 3 easy steps. So all of the links are dead right now.

I didn't take a vacation either. I went looking for a suitable host for this site when I relized that the free web servers are going out. There are less and less availible.

50megs would like me to upgrade this site so I'm paying for the services. Unfortunately, I don't have a credit card, so I can't do anything. I don't have a source of income either, so I have no bussiness getting one. I'm not about to ask my parents to pay for this site. They found out about it after I was raking in 1000 hits in a week.

August 9, 2001

I plan on opening a new, temporary section called "Sakura in the Movies". I don't know how people will react to these crazy combinations of CCS & another TV or Movie series. These TV or Movies are totally unrealated to Cardcaptor Sakura.

This is just version 1 of this image. I'd like to get a Farscape or Babylon 5 combo clip too of Sakura. (yes, I like Sci-Fi).

Oh, and I should have my first banner up soon too, next to the one Tomoyo-chan made for me.

August 8, 2001

Only one major change today. I've added the "Best Anime" website onto my site. It's not all hype. They have 130 GB of Anime data from 1100 Anime/Manga series. Probably has those rare pictures your looking for (unless it's fan art).

Oh, I've finally unlocked 3 pictures from my site under episode 2 at the bottom of the page.

I'm also redesigning my links page to get sites listed in a single screen. There will be a letter grade given to each site mentioned here too. For inquiring mindes, this site gets an "A-/B+".

I'm also am starting a new link banner (or a few of them). Some are off the wall and have Sakura images with Real Movie scenes. Hope you'll enjoy them. Should be posted tommarrow.


August 5, 2001

Okay, so now I know my site's been posted on the Anime Web Turnpike. Because of this, my hits on this particular page have jumped from 256 to over 3000 in a single week.

As for the changes to my site, I corrected a link in Episode 12, Page 1. A spelling mistake on my part, but since I found it, I don't think people tried it. Also added a description of Rika Sasaki and a new link to another Sakura page.

Some people are asking for me to include information about Eriol-kun and I would assume they would also want something about Nakaru/Ruby Moon and Suppie-chans as well. Guess I'm going to have to tack something up temperaroly (until the DVDs with these characters come out). This means borrowing some images from unofficial sorceses (fan Subbed Intro of CCS 3rd season).

July 31, 2001

I can't get over it, this site's finally had over 600 hits! I have Summer mid-terms this week, so I won't be doing an major changes or additions to this site until Thursday afternoon.

What do I want to do this week? I want to get all of the episode images numbered at least. I'm also working on vector tracing Sakura's Second battle costume in Illustrator. This may take a few weeks to finish properly. I'd also like to revamp some of my other web pages too.

July 25, 2001

Minor updates today. Released 6 new images from episode 5 in a new page. (Think of it as a tour of the Kinomoto / Avalon household) Added Anime Web Turnpike to my links (and is on the right hand side too). Please note, however, that my site is not yet listed on the Anime Web Turnpike. A friend, after seeing the logo on the screen thought I was. I managed to send an application to have this site added through on Monday, but results from this won't arrive for at least 2 weeks.

Removed Affiliates section because there are no affiliates. Sakura Stars is back and I've posted back on my Links page. My link to their site was off my link's page for a couple (1-4) days.

July 21, 2001

I have updated my About page with better info about myself. I've also added the Terms & Usage page. Have knocked off the affiliate I have not added my site even to their Link page.(Yes, I've checked today.) I'll still have a link to them on the Link page as their site offers a lot.

I'm polishing up the Character description for Sakura right now. I'll be working on Tomoyo's and Rika's next. Nothing up for the other characters right now. It takes time to organize what I want to say about the characters and make sure I'm not offending anyone. Changed the font on the top site logo to Pristina.

I'm also starting work on starting a new Anime gallery for The Big O, but I haven't decided where I'm going to post it yet. (not this site, I only have 2.7/50.0 Megs left!)

July 16, 2001

I have finally added the gallery images from episode 12 in HTML format. It's 4 pages long and boosts my unique image files to 650 pictures!

I am currently inserting numbers next to the captions next to each picture, so you can see how many images there are for each episode.

The Animated Pictures is nothing new to this site, but now you can access them now rather than through the Episodes Gallery section. (Note: These GIF pictures are significantly better than other video GIFs on the Internet. You shouldn't get a headache looking at these images)

There was a problem last week at college as I was updating a folder. Ended up deleting the folder and re-uploading everything from that folder back on the server at home. Knowing this now, I will test the ping at school before uploading things.

I should work on the character descriptions soon, but I may choose to go see Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within again. (Hey, it's an animated show, no matter how life like the characters and the animation looks, so it's relevent. Besides, moogles are the creation of Square/Squaresoft.). I also need to give some attention to my Green Legend Ran site, to give it a layout much like this. I love the songs from both the English and Japanese tracks of this movie.

July 1, 2001

I was planning on adding US Cardcapotrs on to my links site, when it's server is no longer responding. This makes two big and popular sites down in two weeks time. The other one was Sakura Stars. Both of these sites also hosted other people's stuff, so they may be exceeding their bandwidth limits of their computers or servers.

I've captured the images for episode 12 finally. I have 2 animated gifs planned too. I even have a few images from the episode 13 preview, before DVD 4 is even released.

Also corrected this section, having the little buttons to the affiliates and rankings to SS's Topsites. Probably won't have a number displayed until this site is ranked in the top 50. Some people have asked me and so I thought I should give them an answer. Enjoy your visit

June 28, 2001

Oh wow! I got 20 hit's yesterday, the most I've ever had on any particular day. I've been down and have been procrastinating making revisions to this site. Now I feel motivated again.

Well, my new format is up. By the time I post it, Episodes Gallery, Battle Costumes/Panoramic Pics, Extras and Links will be up. I regret that the Characters section won't be up and running until much later. This is main because I'm writing my own opinions about the characters and the performance of the Voice Actress/Actors. [yes this order is on purpose, most of the characters are girls!]

Just as a note, most of the Battle Costumes images are still being cleaned up and will be reposted. These are the ones from the end of every episode, entitled Omakase ("Leave it to Kero")/Kero's Corner.

When I'm finished posting all of this information, I'll finally get to capturing images from Ep. 12, "Sakura's Never Ending Day".